Gems are composites of frozen interstellar light.
Though gems are created within the body of the Earth, they resonate with stellar points of origin throughout the galaxy, embodying energies that empower their healing properties. The gem is part of an extended influence of stellar light that forms the pathways for specific waves of creative intelligence to bring each celestial pattern into form. This is one reason that gems are powerful for specific chakras and astrological ameliorations, balancing, and corrections.
Your human, earthly, and cosmic nature become attuned with the higher evolutionary frequencies of the Earth, cosmos, and your soul’s blueprint. Life events become organized from an infusion of higher intelligence. The qualities of harmony, synchronicity, and attune allow for grace to come into your life.
Diamond / Venus
Love, Beauty, Inner Union and Balance
Vedic Planetary Indicator – Venus (Shukra)
Clarifies vision, strengthens cognitive brain functions, promotes natural adjustments to occur within the cranial field, increases dexterity, creates a purifying influence on mind/body coordination, increases endocrine energy uptake and processing efficiency, increases whole brain functioning and balancing, strengthens the flow of energy to the eyes, promotes greater strength and harmony of the kidneys and reproductive system.
Inherent Meaning of Clear
Positive Key Words – Yin/yang balance, purifies, clarity, strengthens cognitive and whole brain functioning, illumination, intuition, unification of light, deepens devotion and love, intensifies other gems or colors, universal truth, knowledge gained from within, aligns will with Divine, amplifies inner light of invincibility, creative life force, visionary insight, elevates consciousness, stores, transforms, broadcasts and amplifies energy, attracts life force energy as the full spectrum of color
Stress Imbalance or Deficiency – Impure intent, negative thought patterns, lack focus and clarity of thought, instability, scattered, aligns with true self, blockage or stagnation on any level, emotional extremes, lack spiritual strength and stamina
Spinal – Cervical 1-2
Physiological – Ayurvedic medical texts believe diamond to have all five tastes, thus possessing the virtue of tridosha (containing all three doshas in balance vata (air), pitta (fire), Kapha (water), amplifies crystalline structures of physical and subtle bodies, adjusts cranial plates, whole brain function, balances function to pineal, pituitary, midbrain, cerebellum, medulla oblongata, TMJ, clears miasms (collective ancestral discordant energy patterns), clears thick conditions of the body/mind, Tri-Dosha, balances all elements
Chakra – Crown, third eye, heart
Ruby / Sun
Core Self, Strength, Vitality
Vedic Planetary Indicator – Ruby – Sun (Surya)
Rejuvenates physical and subtle bodies, builds vitality, and courage, deepens devotion and love, instills compassion, promotes stability, grounding, positive self esteem, creates integration of core identity or the solar soul force presence, uplifts one’s spirit, encourages outward expression, increases confidence, strengthens integration of archetypal masculine energy on inner and outer levels, creates an aura of self empowerment, authority, wealth, abundance
Inherent Meaning of Red
Positive Key Words – Yang, tonifiying, warming, heating, stimulates sensory nervous system, increases speed, penetrating, vitalizing, grounding, stabilizing, builds security, strength, courage, activates the will
Stress Imbalance or Deficiency – insecurity, apathy, numbness, survival consciousness, mistrust, low self esteem, lack of confidence, fatigue, weakness, anger issues, low libido, sexual issues, risk-taking issues, sadness, insufficiency conditions.
Spinal – Coccyx, sacrum, lower lumbar 3,4,5
Physiological – Reproductive system, kidney/adrenal, heart, lungs, muscles, circulatory system, blood deficiencies and conditions, lower back, excess cold and moisture in body, anemia, chronic cough or congestion, decreases Vata and Kapha
Chakra – Heart, solar plexus and root
Pearl / Moon
Happiness, Calm Nurturing, Receptivity
Vedic Planetary Indicators – Pearl and Moonstone – Moon (Chandra)
Clears emotional attachments and associated mental stress, and anxiety, reveals the inner constructs of the psyche, enhances lucid-dreaming and recall, potentiates conscious awareness of creating reality from within, fosters qualities of receptivity, softness, sensitivity, love, nurturing, sensuality, grace, creativity, intuition, calms and pacifies the excitability of the emotional/mental body reducing stress and allows for a state of peace to enter one’s field, enhances harmonic resonance with the feminine energy force within and the outer Mother principle.
Inherent Meaning of White
Positive Key Words – Wholeness, integration, deep insight, purification of emotional/mental body, devotional love, feminine nature, creativity, sensitivity and grace, calms and soothes emotions, happiness
Stress Imbalance or Deficiency – Dependency, attachments, anxiety, emotional reactiveness, resists self-examination, lack of commitment to life’s responsibilities, difficulty with feminine energies
Spinal – Sacrum
Physiological – Assimilates nutrients, enhances fertility and procreative energies, stimulates pineal gland, balances endocrine system, clears lymphatic congestion, aids in the absorption of calcium, reduces excess heat in the heart and brain, decreases Pitta and Vata, increases Kapha
Chakra – Sacral/generative, heart
Rose Quartz / Venus
Universal Love, Healing the Heart
Planetary Indicator – Exalted Sun/Venus
The Rose Quartz Crystal is a universal heart harmonizer. It balances the emotional body and sooths deep-seated scars and traumas. It assists the heart chakra to expand opening to the universal flow of giving and receiving love. Resolves issues of anger. During transformational healing processes Rose Quartz Crystal facilitates clarity and integration on all levels.
Inherent Meaning of Pink
Positive Key Words – Unconditional love, emotional fulfillment, expansion of love, unifying heart connections, promotes feminine creative principle, develop feeling and sensing intuition, calms and soothes anger, emotional self- sufficiency, cultivates gentleness, self-love and self-healing, appreciation for beauty
Stress Imbalance or Deficiency – Lack of self-love, feeling empty hopeless or separate, emotionally needy and demanding, self centered difficulty connecting with others, fear of love and sense of unworthiness, creative blocks, lack or denial of feminine energy, overly smothering, unresolved childhood traumas and issues, anger
Physiological – Supports and balances the heart and circulatory system, supports and balances the reproductive system, calms excess liver heat, supports kidney Chi
Chakra – Heart
Red Coral / Mars
Dynamic Action, Focus, Strength
Vedic Planetary Indicator – Red Coral – Mars (Mangala)
Balances the fiery temperament, generates courage, strength and vitality, balances sexual forces, clarifies energetic direction and focus in life, inspires constructive endeavors and activities, insures follow-through of commitment to completion, uplifts the creative spirit, cultures positive self-affirming thoughts and happiness, quiets emotions, frees repetitive thinking, encourages decisive action without judgment, brings the courage to overcome fears and procrastination, determination, enhances concentration, balances the male/female energetic axis, brings improvement to finances
Inherent Meaning of Red/Orange
Positive Key Words -Yang (medium warm), balances fire/water elements, strengthening, focus, direction, commitment, stamina, balances water/fire, responsibility, instinctive wisdom in action, and creative joy in life, confidence
Stress Imbalance or Deficiency – mistrust, weak physically and emotionally, lacking focus and follow through, absence of joy, procrastination, fear, sadness, history of abuse, depression, ungroundedness, worry, lack of love, support, abundance, guilt, shame, inhibition
Spinal – Lower lumbar 2 and 3
Physiological – Intestines, stomach, metabolism, heart, circulation, blood, enhances fertility, digestion and metabolism, reduces worry, stabilizes emotions, balances the water and fire elements in the physiology, increases stamina and vitality, decreases Vata and Kapha
Chakra – Sacral generative and root
Blue Sapphire / Saturn
Destiny, Tranquillity, Peace
Vedic Planetary Indicator – Saturn (Shani)
Aligns personality with soul purpose, creates focus on task at hand, strengthens virtues of compassion, selfless service, develops character traits of loyalty, honesty impeccability, balanced responsibility, fosters a contemplative nature, cultures a state of calmness, tranquility, and peace, stabilizes and strengthens the nervous system, expands and slows down the experience of time giving rise to a transcendent view of reality, enhances intuitive psychic perception and meditative states, offers a protective influence in the auric field, strengthens one’s faith and commitment to spiritual dimensions of life, cultivates self-love, acceptance, tolerance and non-attachment, grants objectivity or a witnessing state in life.
Inherent Meaning of Blue
Positive Key Words – Yin, cold, inner peace, calming, tranquil, creative, communication, sedating, intuitive, contemplative, loyal, honest, compassionate, on purpose, faith, acceptance, tolerance, selfless
Stress Imbalance or Deficiency – Agitated, impatient, selfish, tension, anxiety, stress, insomnia, worry, fears, difficult communication, lack nurturing, exaggerated extroversion, dependent, unhealthy bonding, issues with verbalization, grief
Spinal – Thoracic 1, cervical 3-6
Physiological – Nervous system, thyroid gland, pituitary gland, endocrine system, supports structure, contraction or muscle spasm, hyper-activity, insomnia, reduces pain, decreases Pitta,
Chakra – Throat and third eye
Amethyst / Saturn
Spiritual Opening, Devotion, Surrender, Wisdom
Vedic Planetary Indicator – Saturn (Shani)
Aligns personality with soul purpose, creates focus on task at hand, strengthens virtues of compassion, selfless service, develops character traits of loyalty, honesty impeccability, balanced responsibility, fosters a contemplative nature, cultures a state of calmness, tranquility, and peace, stabilizes and strengthens the nervous system, expands and slows down the experience of time giving rise to a transcendent view of reality, enhances intuitive psychic perception and meditative states, offers a protective influence in the auric field, strengthens one’s faith and commitment to spiritual dimensions of life, cultivates self-love, acceptance, tolerance and non-attachment, grants objectivity or a witnessing state in life.
Inherent Meaning of Violet
Positive Key Words – yin, cold, peace, stillness, tranquilizer, higher consciousness, increases awareness, meditation, sedating, soothing, spiritual nature, selfless service, spiritual guidance and leadership, deep transformation, healing, trust in spirit, faith, purification, uplifting, wisdom, intuition, emotional balance
Stress Imbalance or Deficiency – mistrusting, anxious, nervous, hyper-sensitive, aloof, arrogant, self centered, dissociative, need to control, cut off from inner nature or true self, to help let go of old patterns and conditions, promotes awareness of consciousness, decreases pitta and kapha
Spinal – cranial and coccyx
Physiological – nervous system, lymphatic, spleen, pancreas, pituitary, optic and auditory nerves, mastoid bone, whole brain, cerebrospinal fluid, hypothalamus orchestrates the entire endocrine system, processor for all information internal/external
Chakra – crown
Emerald / Mercury
Intelligence, Compassion, Abundance
Vedic Planetary Indicator – Emerald – Mercury (Buddha)
Powerful influence on the range of intelligence, enhances and refines all forms of communication, greater articulation in speaking, writing, sharpens memory and linguistic abilities, accelerates learning and broadens interest for knowledge, encourages a youthful fun-loving disposition, sparks enthusiasm and may activate psychic abilities through heightened sense ability, stabilizes the nervous system, promotes dexterity and discernment, optimizes ability to love self and others, cultures kindness and generosity, enhances receptivity to Divine Mother earth energies, inspires communion with nature, fosters feeling of abundance and gratitude.
Inherent Meaning of Green
Positive Key Words – Neutrality, equilibrium, love, harmonizing, balancing, renewal, regeneration nourishing, communication, speaking, writing, earth energy, abundance, prosperity, gratitude, enthusiasm, decisive, clear, integration, inspiration, affection, intuitive, kind, generosity, heart-centered, balances emotion/intellect
Stress Imbalance or Deficiency – Grief, loneliness, loss, ungrounded, lack of love or affection, needy, disconnected from earth, envy, jealousy, weak speech, indecisive, poor discrimination
Spinal – Thoracic 2-3
Physiological – Nervous system, reduces stress, equilibrium, pituitary gland, rebuild muscle and tissue, disinfectant, antiseptic, lung, bronchial, heart, ulcers, cysts, diabetes, eyes, improves physical dexterity and motor coordination, decreases Pitta
Chakra – Heart
Yellow Sapphire / Jupiter
Joy, Creative Intelligence, Realizing Potential
Vedic Planetary Indicator – Jupiter (Brihaspati)
Cultures reverence for life, inspires devotion towards spiritual and mystical interests, expands awareness into the higher mind, strengthens faith and purpose, cultures practical wisdom and divine knowledge, spurs philosophical ideas and thinking, improves comprehension and objective understanding, creates contentment, generates bright and positive perspectives, sparks inspiration and joy, clears vision, opens spiritual insight, sharpens clarity and continuity of thought, deepens soul alignment to divine guidance and supreme source, creates optimism, peace and happiness, develops trust, helps to overcome doubts, reveals new possibilities and light, magnetizes wealth, prosperity, good fortune and support of nature, strengthens core self
Inherent Meaning of Yellow
Positive Key Words – Warmth, joy, happiness, acquired knowledge, illumination, optimism, trust, faith, insight, brightness, positive perspective, uplifting, integrative, mental clarity, good fortune, expansive, hopeful, empowering, easy-going, flexible, spiritual understanding
Stress Imbalance or Deficiency – Depression, fearful, dull intellect, poor memory, lack foresight, contracted, mental confusion, anxiety, nervous tension, panic, helpless, control and power issues, resentment, frustration, SAD (seasonal affective disorder), egotistic
Spinal – Thoracic 4 -9
Physiological – Relates to ethereal nature, the akashic element or space, helpful with bodily cavities, fat systems, and imbalances of the glands, strengthens endocrine system and fortifies nervous system, liver, stomach, spleen, pancreas, assimilation, vision, eyesight, cranial field, learning and comprehension, decreases Vata
Chakra – Solar plexus, third eye, crown
Cats Eye / South Node
Refined Perception, Insight, Letting Go
Vedic Planetary Indicator – Moon’s South Node (Ketu)
Facilitates penetrating insight into the fear of death both physical and egoic, activates creative psychic energies, aids in the release of emotion, tension, reduces worry, and neutralizes fevers of the spirit that lead to fanaticism, increases intuition and heightens perception, elevates the power of discrimination, magnetically creates an energetic field of protection, and increases good fortune and luck, increases interest in mystical aspects of life
Inherent Meaning of White/Yellow/Gold
Positive Key Words – promotes intellectual faculties, strengthens the nerves, transformation, elevates consciousness, penetrating insight, heightened intuition
Stress Imbalance or Deficiency – survival fears, fear of death, anxiety, worry, clinging to the past or nostalgia
Physiological – reduces fever, intestines, alleviates survival fears, anxiety and fear of death, transforms worry and diminishes clinging to the past, may assist to reduce fevers and intestinal disorders, strengthens eye sight and one’s concentrative abilities
Chakras – Root and third eye chakras
Hessonite / North Node
Manifestation, Intuition, Creative Imagination
Vedic Planetary Indicator – Moon’s North Node (Rahu)
Illuminates the subconscious mind to transform obsessive desires and addictive tendencies, reduces confusion in the mind field and assists to develop a creative imagination that can be applied constructively, magnetizes potential for wealth, fame and success, instills a strong centered foundation and self confidence for rapid and unpredictable change, increases one’s ability to discern the truth in what appears to be reality, helps build a protective auric field, assists the psyche to be in the now, provides clarity and ambition to fulfill worldly desires
Inherent Meaning of Orange
Positive Key Words – Warmth, deep insight, clarity of mind, creative imagination, joy, bliss, fulfillment, self-confidence, self- introspection, integrity, ambition, assertiveness, self-love
Stress Imbalance or Deficiency – Obsessive, addictive tendencies, attached and dependent behaviors, over-exaggerative, grief, trauma, accident prone, controlling, hidden, inferior, passivity, depression, discontentment, pessimism, depression, fear, balances ambition
Spinal – Thoracic 10 -12
Physiological – The cosmic indication is for the stone to have an ultra-violet emanation which is cold, reduces over-heating, fever, hyper-acidity, insomnia, excessive sexual desire, glandular weakness, digestion, lymph, intestines, heart, immune system, stabilizes nervous system and mind field, decreases Vata and Pitta
Chakra – Sacral, root
White Sapphire / Venus
grace, Fluidity, Kindness, Acceptance
Vedic Planetary Indicator – Venus (Shukra)
Creates a charismatic auric field, increases artistic abilities and deepens the feeling level of appreciation and beauty, fuses spirit into matter, leads the individual to move physically through life with grace, ease, coordination and fluidity, enhances the sensual nature of the soul, restores freedom to express oneself in a refined style, teaches the distinction of love, and lust, increases one’s ability to attract wealth, beauty, comforts, relationships, cultures feeling of passion and devotion, has a unifying effect on the positive/negative electro-magnetic polarity currents, opens and cleanses the third eye, enhances clear vision and insight, strengthens the energetic matrix of human light body, amplifies and broadcasts energies.
Inherent Meaning of Clear
Positive Key Words – Yin/yang balance, purifies, clarity, strengthens cognitive and whole brain functioning, illumination, intuition, unification of light, deepens devotion and love, intensifies other gems or colors, universal truth, knowledge gained from within, aligns will with Divine, amplifies inner light of invincibility, creative life force, visionary insight, elevates consciousness, stores, transforms, broadcasts and amplifies energy, attracts life force energy as the full spectrum of color
Stress Imbalance or Deficiency – Impure intent, negative thought patterns, lack focus and clarity of thought, instability, scattered, aligns with true self, blockage or stagnation on any level, emotional extremes, lack spiritual strength and stamina
Spinal – Cervical 1-2
Physiological – Ayurvedic medical texts believe diamond to have all five tastes, thus possessing the virtue of tridosha (containing all three doshas in balance vata (air), pitta (fire), Kapha (water), amplifies crystalline structures of physical and subtle bodies, adjusts cranial plates, whole brain function, balances function to pineal, pituitary, midbrain, cerebellum, medulla oblongata, TMJ, clears miasms (collective ancestral discordant energy patterns), clears thick conditions of the body/mind, Tri-Dosha, balances all elements
Chakra – Crown, third eye, heart